Spice sprinkler for pizza

Application area

Addition of smallest amounts of spices including an even and flat distribution

e.g.: 0,1 – 0,5 g

especially for:

  • Spices in powder form
  • oregano, marjoram, parsley
  • Pepper, garlic granules
  • caraway, dill tips, chili flakes
  • Spice mixtures
  • Salt, sugar, etc.


The spice spreader is used for dosing smallest quantities of free-flowing spices into containers or as flat distribution. The spices or spice mixtures in the product container are distributed or conveyed from the special patented metering unit by means of a pneumatic pulse. The dosing quantities are electronically adjustable.


The spice spreader is designed as an auxiliary machine and can be integrated into an existing plant. The product containers and all applications required for dosing are connected to a stable base frame. The spice spreader is mobile.


  • Savings of at least one worker
  • Low spice losses
  • High dosing accuracy
  • Use of natural spices possible at high processing capacities
  • Increase in quality
  • Low investment requirement
  • Simple installation